AP-LS Award for Best Undergraduate Paper

Recognizes an outstanding undergraduate research paper focused on the interdisciplinary study of psychology and law.

AP-LS Undergraduate Paper Award Committee


June 30, 2025

The AP-LS Award for Best Undergraduate Paper is awarded to an outstanding undergraduate research paper that is focused on the interdisciplinary study of psychology and law.

First ($500), second ($200) and third place ($150) winners are conferred annually, and winners will be be encouraged to submit their work as a poster presentation at the AP-LS Annual Conference (as first author).

To be eligible for an award the student must be the major contributor to a project on a topic relevant to psychology and law (i.e., the student had primary responsibility for initiating and conducting the project even though the project will usually be conducted under the supervision of a mentor).

Data collection should be complete.

Students may submit their work during their first post-undergraduate year as long as the work was conducted during their undergraduate career.

Submit Here

Submissions (APA-paper and letter of support) must be emailed to to the Chair of the Undergraduate Paper Award Committee at undergrad_paper@ap-ls.org as .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word) files. Deadline for receipt of all materials is June 30.

Submission must include the following:
  1. One copy of the APA-style paper being submitted for consideration.
  • The paper should be a maximum of 25 pages of text (12-point font, one-inch margins), including the abstract and tables/figures.
  • The 25-page maximum does not include the title page and references.
  1. A letter of support from the student’s faculty mentor.
  • Each applicant must have their mentor submit a letter of support to the chair that characterizes the nature and extent of the student’s contribution to the project.
  • This letter should be a maximum of two pages of text (12-point font, one-inch margins).

Applications that do not meet these requirements for the paper and letters of support will be disqualified.

Proposals will be reviewed by members of the AP-LS Undergraduate Paper Award Committee based on independence, originality, contribution to field, soundness of design and analyses and quality of writing.


Lexi Bammel (advisor: Narina Nunez)
Jennifer Krentz (advisor: Tonia Nichols and Ron Roesch)
Justin Cho (advisor: Rebecca Fix)


Elizabeth Quinn (advisor: Allison Skinner)
Elizabeth Purser (advisor: April Thomas)
Natasha Bailey (advisor: J. Zoe Klemfuss)


Kajal Sachdev (advisor: Bette Bottoms)
Georgia M. Lundon (advisor: Michael Lamb)
Laura Stevens (advisor: Michael Lamb)


Nicholas Michalski (advisor: Jennifer Hunt)
Weyam Fahmy (advisor: Brent Snook)
Eleanor Prince (advisor: Michael Lamb)


Julian Siebert (advisor: Colin Tredoux)
Sydney Wood (advisor: Evan Mandery)
Zsofia Szojka (advisor: Michael Lamb)


Hannah Phalen (advisor: Edie Greene)
Siara D. Johnson (advisor: Naomi Goldstein)
Tyler J. Plogher (advisor: Margaret Stevenson)


Alex Lyon (advisors: Gail Goodman/Deborah Goldfarb)
Alan Buttars (advisor: Matt Huss)
Samantha Andrews (advisor: Michael Lamb)


Dana Forman (advisor: Dave DeMatteo)
Nikoleta Despodova (advisor: Elizabeth Jeglic)
Alan Buttars (advisor: Matt Huss)


Natalie Harrison (advisor: Ron Roesch)
Evan Marie Lowder (advisor: Aubrey Immelman)
Shelby Arnold (advisor: Naomi Goldstein)


Devon Porter (advisor: Daniel Reisberg)
James Lant (advisor: Kimberley Clow)
Christina Stanford (advisor: Jeffrey Anastasi)


Adam Blanchard (advisor: Kevin Douglas)
Darcy Burgers (advisor: Dickon Reppucci)
Jennifer Newman (advisor: Kim Roberts)


Kyla Matthews (advisor: Meredith Allison)
Adana Lagerstrom (advisor Jodi Viljoen)
Alison Ryan (advisor: Daniel Krauss)


Sarah McFadden
Marissa Reiter


Haley Deveau
Kaitlin Bountress


Hannah Dietrich