The AP-LS Award for Best Undergraduate Paper is awarded to an outstanding undergraduate research paper that is focused on the interdisciplinary study of psychology and law.
First ($500), second ($200) and third place ($150) winners are conferred annually, and winners will be be encouraged to submit their work as a poster presentation at the AP-LS Annual Conference (as first author).
To be eligible for an award the student must be the major contributor to a project on a topic relevant to psychology and law (i.e., the student had primary responsibility for initiating and conducting the project even though the project will usually be conducted under the supervision of a mentor).
Data collection should be complete.
Students may submit their work during their first post-undergraduate year as long as the work was conducted during their undergraduate career.
Submissions (APA-paper and letter of support) must be emailed to to the Chair of the Undergraduate Paper Award Committee at
as .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word) files. Deadline for receipt of all materials is June 30.
- One copy of the APA-style paper being submitted for consideration.
- The paper should be a maximum of 25 pages of text (12-point font, one-inch margins), including the abstract and tables/figures.
- The 25-page maximum does not include the title page and references.
- A letter of support from the student’s faculty mentor.
- Each applicant must have their mentor submit a letter of support to the chair that characterizes the nature and extent of the student’s contribution to the project.
- This letter should be a maximum of two pages of text (12-point font, one-inch margins).
Applications that do not meet these requirements for the paper and letters of support will be disqualified.
Proposals will be reviewed by members of the AP-LS Undergraduate Paper Award Committee based on independence, originality, contribution to field, soundness of design and analyses and quality of writing.
Lexi Bammel (advisor: Narina Nunez)Jennifer Krentz (advisor: Tonia Nichols and Ron Roesch)
Justin Cho (advisor: Rebecca Fix)
Elizabeth Quinn (advisor: Allison Skinner)Elizabeth Purser (advisor: April Thomas)
Natasha Bailey (advisor: J. Zoe Klemfuss)
Kajal Sachdev (advisor: Bette Bottoms)Georgia M. Lundon (advisor: Michael Lamb)
Laura Stevens (advisor: Michael Lamb)
Nicholas Michalski (advisor: Jennifer Hunt)Weyam Fahmy (advisor: Brent Snook)
Eleanor Prince (advisor: Michael Lamb)
Julian Siebert (advisor: Colin Tredoux)Sydney Wood (advisor: Evan Mandery)
Zsofia Szojka (advisor: Michael Lamb)
Hannah Phalen (advisor: Edie Greene)Siara D. Johnson (advisor: Naomi Goldstein)
Tyler J. Plogher (advisor: Margaret Stevenson)
Alex Lyon (advisors: Gail Goodman/Deborah Goldfarb)Alan Buttars (advisor: Matt Huss)
Samantha Andrews (advisor: Michael Lamb)
Dana Forman (advisor: Dave DeMatteo)Nikoleta Despodova (advisor: Elizabeth Jeglic)
Alan Buttars (advisor: Matt Huss)
Natalie Harrison (advisor: Ron Roesch)Evan Marie Lowder (advisor: Aubrey Immelman)
Shelby Arnold (advisor: Naomi Goldstein)
Devon Porter (advisor: Daniel Reisberg)James Lant (advisor: Kimberley Clow)
Christina Stanford (advisor: Jeffrey Anastasi)
Adam Blanchard (advisor: Kevin Douglas)Darcy Burgers (advisor: Dickon Reppucci)
Jennifer Newman (advisor: Kim Roberts)
Kyla Matthews (advisor: Meredith Allison)Adana Lagerstrom (advisor Jodi Viljoen)
Alison Ryan (advisor: Daniel Krauss)
Sarah McFaddenMarissa Reiter
Haley DeveauKaitlin Bountress