
Scholarly journals, books and newsletters published by the American Psychology-Law Society.


Law and Human Behavior® This journal is a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of articles and discussions of issues arising from the relationships between human behavior and the law, the legal system, and the legal process.

Links to available calls for papers or submissions can be found on our social media feeds.

Scientific Review Papers

The AP-LS Scientific Review Paper committee works to approve official Scientific Review Papers that are meant to objectively summarize the research literature in areas where there is a high degree of scientific clarity and consensus.

In its history, the Executive Committee has only approved three official Scientific Review Papers of the American Psychology-Law Society. Links to view each paper online and to download it as a pdf are included here below.

If you have any questions, contact the AP-LS Scientific Paper Committee.

  • Policy and Procedure Recommendations for the Collection and Preservation of Eyewitness Identification Evidence (2020)


  • Police-induced Confessions: Risk Factors and Recommendations (2010)


  • Eyewitness Identification Procedures: Recommendations for Lineups and Photospreads (1998)



AP-LS Newsletter

AP-LS Newsletter connects the psychology-law community with activities, events, and resources.

AP-LS News This newsletter was replaced by the AP-LS E-Newsletter and ceased production in 2018. HTML and PDF versions of the AP-LS News are available on the Past Issues page.

Book Series

AP-LS sponsors a book series, edited by Dr. Monica Miller and published by APA Books. One of the society’s goals is educating the psychology and legal professions and the general public about important developments in the field of psychology and law. The focus of the book series reflects the diversity of the field of psychology and law as we will publish books on a broad range of topics. Published series books are described and available for purchase.

Do you have a proposal for a new book in this series?

The series editor welcomes submissions of proposals for new books in this series. The society is interested in publishing scholarly work that advances the field of psychology and law by contributing to its theoretical and empirical knowledge base. The series editor will consider proposals in any area of psychology and law. If you would like more information about submitting a proposal, please contact the book series editor, .

For all of the books within the prior series, please visit the Oxford University Press AP-LS book series page.

Other Publications

You may also be interested in following other journals & books, not associated with AP-LS, that also publish about issues relevant to psychology and law.

If there is a publication you think should be added to this list, please contact the AP-LS Web Editor

Name link
Aggression and Violent Behavior

Link to Aggression and Violent Behavior website

Behavioral Sciences and the Law

Link to Behavioral Sciences and the Law website

Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression

Link to Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression website

Child Abuse and Neglect

Link to Child Abuse and Neglect website

Criminal Justice and Behavior

Link to Criminal Justice and Behavior website


Link to Criminology website

Criminology and Public Policy

Link to Criminology and Public Policy website

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry

Link to International Journal of Law and Psychiatry website

International Journal of Forensic Mental Health

Link to International Journal of Forensic Mental Health website

International Journal of Police Science and Management

Link to International Journal of Police Science and Management website

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law

Link to Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law website

Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology

Link to Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology website

Journal of Criminal Psychology

Link to Journal of Criminal Psychology website

Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Link to Journal of Empirical Legal Studies website

Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology

Link to Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology website

Journal of Forensic Psychology and Practice

Link to Journal of Forensic Psychology and Practice website

Journal of Forensic Sciences

Link to Journal of Forensic Sciences website

Journal of Legal Studies

Link to Journal of Legal Studies website

Law and Psychology Review

Link to Law and Psychology Review website

Legal and Criminological Psychology

Link to Legal and Criminological Psychology website

Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology

Link to Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology website

Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

Link to Psychiatry, Psychology and Law website

Psychological Injury and Law

Link to Psychological Injury and Law website

Psychology, Crime and Law

Link to Psychology, Crime and Law website

Psychology Public Policy and Law

Link to Psychology Public Policy and Law website