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AP-LS Monthly E-News

Welcome to the May 2023

American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) Newsletter


Our monthly newsletter provides information about activities, upcoming events, and resources to connect the psychology-law community.


AP-LS aspires to excel as a valuable, effective, and influential organization advancing the science of psychology-law and the translation of psychology-law knowledge into practice and policy. 

APA International Awards

APA seeks nominees for three international awards, including an outstanding dissertation award: 


The Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology Award honors an individual who has made sustained and enduring contributions to international cooperation and the advancement of knowledge in psychology. Nomination deadline: July 1, 2023. View the website for more information>


The International Humanitarian Award recognizes extraordinary humanitarian service and activism by a psychologist or a team of psychologists, including professional and/or volunteer work conducted primarily in the field with underserved populations. Nomination deadline: July 1, 2023. View the website for more information>


The Committee for Global Psychology sponsors an Outstanding Dissertation Award for the most outstanding psychology dissertation on international and global communities. Nomination deadline: July 1, 2023. View the website for more information>



Research Briefs

Take a look at the latest research briefs for short summaries of the latest articles relevant to psychology-law.


Read the research briefs >


Psychologists can make a difference in American Policing - Come join us!

Every time there is a tragic, front-page story about policing in America, there is almost always a set of witnesses who could have intervened to prevent the harmful consequences. For the past decade, along with a wonderful team of colleagues, I have been working with police departments and sheriff's offices across the country in an effort to change the culture of law enforcement in America. Our goal has been to create a culture of active bystandership among officers, to prevent harm from mistakes, misconduct, and poor officer health and wellness. The program is called Project ABLE (Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement) and it is part of Georgetown Law Center's not-for-profit Center for Innovations in Community Safety (CICS.) 


ABLE has only existed for three years, and in that short time, has been joined by more than 300 law enforcement agencies across the country, including large departments like the NYPD and the police departments of Denver, Seattle, Boston, Baltimore, and most recently, Los Angeles. There are also a host of smaller ABLE agencies, and many more are waiting in line to join. Currently, more than 100 million Americans are served by ABLE police departments that are trying to create cultures of active bystandership. To meet this need, ABLE is looking for psychologists with criminal justice experience and expertise who want to become part of our team of instructors.


This is a great way to contribute to building safer and healthier law enforcement cultures, and you would get to work with an incredible group of people that includes psychologists, retired FBI agents, and current and retired leaders from police departments and sheriff's offices across the country.  


If you're interested, please submit a cover letter outlining your experience, including any prior teaching or facilitation experience, your interest in working with ABLE specifically, and a CV detailing your professional history. Please send it to the ABLE team at If you have any questions about ABLE, you can also contact Joel at 520-906-0366 or



Recommendations for the Use of Telepsychology in Psychology-Law Practice and Research

The field of psychology has steadily embraced the use of telecommunication technologies to reach clients who may have limited options for local providers, face increased costs and lost wages for travel, or would otherwise go without services altogether (see Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology, 2013). Beyond this, remote communication technologies have become a necessity for sustaining clinical practices and safely engaging with clients following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Read the statement by Division 41 of the American Psychological Association >


Join Our Directors' Listserv

We are reaching out to AP-LS members to locate training directors of postdoctoral fellowships in forensic psychology. Many of us (fellowship training directors) are already connected on a separate listserv which allows us to ask questions to the group, communicate about the training year, fellowship process issues, etc. If you are a director of a forensic psychology postdoctoral fellowship and are interested in joining our listserv, please email Ashley Murray and let her know your site and position. Ashley can be reached at


Call for Undergraduate Paper Award



To be eligible for an award, the student must be the major contributor to a project on a topic relevant to psychology and law (i.e., the student had primary responsibility for initiating and conducting the project even though the project will usually be conducted under the supervision of a mentor). Data collection should be complete. Winners will be encouraged to submit their work for presentation at the AP-LS Conference (as first authors). Students may submit their work during their first post-undergraduate year as long as the work was conducted during their undergraduate career.


How to Apply


Submit one copy of APA-style paper (Abstract required). The paper should be a maximum of 25 pages of text (12-point font, one-inch margins), including the Abstract and Tables/Figures. The 25-page maximum does not include the Title Page and References. Papers that do not meet these requirements will be disqualified.


Each applicant must have their mentor submit a letter of support to the chair that characterizes the nature and extent of the student’s contribution to the project. This letter should be a maximum of two pages of text (12-point font, one-inch margins). Applications that do not meet these requirements for letters of support will be disqualified.


Deadline for receipt of all materials is June 30. The paper and mentor letter should be emailed to Dr. Emily Pica at


Submissions from students whose mentors are serving on this committee are welcome, but those mentors will not review the papers.


Please see our website for additional details>


Call for Book Proposals

The American Psychology-Law Society invites proposals for new titles in its book series, which is now published by APA Books. We publish authored and edited volumes on current issues at the intersection of psychology and law. Books are typically a state of the science synthesis of a body of existing research with implications for practice and/or policy. Authors and editors should have a substantial and recent track record of publication and/or practice in psychology or law, and at least one should hold a doctorate in psychology or closely related behavioral science. If you have a proposal for a new book in the series or you would simply like more information, reach out to a member of the editorial team. We would be happy to tell you more.    


The editorial board members are:

Monica Miller, Division 41 Book Series Editor (
Monique Bowen, Division 41 Book Series Associate Editor (
Jemour Maddux, Division 41 Book Series Associate Editor (

On the Job or Postdoc Market? AP-LS Job Postings

Check out AP-LS's Job Postings Page for up-to-date information on available psychology-law positions.

Newsletter Editorial Board

Membership Services

AP-LS seeks to advance the science of psychology-law and the translation of psychology-law knowledge into practice. Our mission is to enhance well-being, justice, and human rights through science and practice of psychology in legal contexts.