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AP-LS Monthly E-News

Welcome to the July 2022

American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) Newsletter


Our monthly Newsletter provides information about activities, upcoming events, and resources to connect the psychology-law community.


AP-LS aspires to excel as a valuable, effective, and influential organization advancing the science of psychology-law and the translation of psychology-law knowledge into practice and policy. 

Legal Update

A profound thank you to Chris King, JD, PhD, Montclair State University for serving five years as the Legal Update column editor. Since 2017, Chris wrote, co-wrote, recruited, and facilitated novel and thought-provoking content for the AP-LS newsletter and we are grateful for his service to our readers. Thank you, Chris!


Sixty Years of American Psychological Association Amicus Curiae Briefs:
1962 to 2022


Dynamic Internet resources like SCOTUSblog are useful for staying abreast of news and analyses of legal happenings—and in the case of SCOTUSblog, those of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), specifically. With respect to updates about the legal side of the psychology and law interface, the websites of the American Psychology–Law Society may currently be a far cry from the dynamism of a website like SCOTUSblog. However, AP-LS’s social media presence is a step in that direction.


Thus, it occurred to us, for the first author’s last column as editor of the Legal Update column of AP-LS News, to submit an entry that might serve as another step—albeit a humble one—in the direction of imitating some of the impressive offerings from SCOTUSblog, but specific to psychology and law. And so, rather than focusing on SCOTUS, we thought to focus on the amicus curiae briefs (amicus briefs, for short) of AP-LS’s parent organization, the American Psychological Association.


APA Updates

The APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists seeks nominees for three Early Career Psychologist (ECP) Achievement Awards. Award A is for an ECP who identifies as an under-represented minority; Award B is for an ECP whose professional work focuses on anti-racism efforts; Award C is for an ECP who has made a significant impact on psychology and/or society. An AP-LS member won Award C in 2021. Applications (which include a statement of interest, CV, and two letters of recommendation) are due July 11, 2022. Only current APA members are eligible.

Applications are due by July 11, 2022.


APA is currently seeking mentors and mentees for a pilot Disability Mentoring Program that will run from August through mid-December of 2022. APA encourages applications from "candidates who self-identify as having a disability (visible or invisible)" by July 15, 2022.

Applications are due by July 15, 2022.


APA’s Committee on Women in Psychology and the Diversity Committee of APA Division 18 (Psychologists in Public Service) invite AP-LS members to an upcoming webinar entitled "Supporting Women of Color Through Infertility". Register now to join the webinar on July 11, 2022.


The Early Career Professionals Practitioner Grant

The Early Career Professionals Committee (ECP) was established in 2007 to provide a source of support for practitioners, scientists, and educators during a crucial period of professional identity development. It is important to recognize early-career professionals as there is often a myriad of novel challenges and concerns that they are required to navigate. Many of these concerns are often introduced after their graduate studies are completed. These challenges may include obtaining licensure, establishing private practices, and seeking continuing education credits. The ECP would like to further the mission of AP-LS to increase research, education, and training around diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Do you identify as an early-career professional (someone with less than 10 years since graduating) and currently practicing primarily as a practitioner? You may qualify for the ECP Practitioner Grant.


To apply, send a cover letter that includes:  

  • First and last name
  • Year last degree was obtained
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Mailing address
  • A letter of intent (1,500 word maximum) that describes 
    - Your current professional role(s) and connection to the field of psychology and law
    - How you intend to use the grant
    - How receiving the grant will enhance your practice and career growth
    - How receiving the grant will further the practice of psychology and law
    - How receiving the grant will contribute to broader impacts to society and the broader mission of AP-LS to increase efforts in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Updated CV

Email applications to

The deadline to submit is August 15, 2022.


Call for Volunteers

The Early Career Professionals Committee and the Teaching, Training, and Careers Committee are calling for volunteers for an upcoming speaker series.

  • Participate in a less than 10 minute recorded interview
  • Discuss your work and how you incorporate anti-racism
  • $100 honorarium

For more information, please contact


Special Issue in Frontiers in Psychology: Contextualizing Interviews to Detect Verbal Cues to Truths and Deceit

The manuscript submission process is now open for a new article collection that is co-edited by Drs. Aldert Vrij, Jacqueline Evans, and Haneen Deeb. The collection will bring together articles on lie detection, with a focus on understanding cross-contextual differences in lie detection and on novel verbal cues to deceit.

The deadline for manuscript submissions is December 31, 2022.

All research will be published Open Access. A variety of article types are welcome. If you would like feedback on your manuscript’s suitability, please submit an abstract (or short proposal of your manuscript: less than 1000 words) by October 31, 2022.


Please note that publishing fees are applied to accepted manuscripts; contributors can apply for fee support. Please feel free to contact our dedicated point of contact Kelly Trearty at if you have any questions.


Call for Book Proposals

The American Psychology-Law Society invites proposals for new authored and edited volumes on psychology-law topics for its book series (now published by APA Books). If you are considering authoring or editing a new volume, please reach out to a member of the editorial team. We would be glad to discuss your ideas with you.

Career Corner

The Career Corner is intended to highlight the individuals who work at the intersection of law and psychology, where they come from, how they got there, and how their experiences influence their research, teaching, and/or practice. This edition of Career Corner profiles Elizabeth Jeglic, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.

On the Job or Postdoc Market? AP-LS Job Postings

Check out AP-LS's Job Postings Page for up-to-date information on available psychology-law positions.

Newsletter Editorial Board

Membership Services

AP-LS seeks to advance the science of psychology - law and the translation of psychology - law knowledge into practice. Our mission is to enhance the well-being, justice, and human rights though science and practice of psychology in legal contexts.

Newsletter Archives

Archives of the newsletter are available at