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AP-LS Monthly E-News

Welcome to the August 2024

American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) Newsletter


Our monthly Newsletter provides information about activities, upcoming events, and resources to connect the psychology-law community.


AP-LS aspires to excel as a valuable, effective, and influential organization advancing the science of psychology-law and the translation of psychology-law knowledge into practice and policy. 

Join Division 41 at APA 2024 August 8-10!

Division 41 will feature 10 sessions and 46 posters this year. Join us for an incredible conference with an impressive lineup of speakers and sessions that will enlighten and empower you. You won't want to miss our Featured Stage Event and invited session on the Psychological Bias in the Legal System, where experts will explore the various contexts in which they materialize, the decisions they influence, and the criminal justice outcomes they produce. We also have a session that explores cultural responsiveness in forensic supervision with trainees of color, and we'll hear from a panel of distinguished experts present a scientific review paper (2.0) on violence and mental illness. Our sessions are chaired by top professionals in the field, including Christian Meissner, PhD, Tess Neal, PhD and Kevin Douglas, PhD, and feature thought-provoking discussions led by esteemed psychologists. Don't miss your chance to join us for this unforgettable event and gain valuable insights into the most pressing issues in psychology and law today. 


We will also have our business meeting, our social hour, and several co-listed sessions with other divisions. Join us this week for an exciting and informative experience! Find additional details at or check out Division 41 programming HERE.


Join the AP-LS Corrections Committee and the Criminal Justice Section of Division 18 for a Special Virtual Event!

Advocacy in Correctional Mental Health Practice from the Student Perspective


Thursday, August 22nd from 6:00-7:00 PM EST Click HERE to Register for FREE


Are you a trainee working in corrections and feeling stuck about how to advocate for your clients or yourself? Or are you interested in working in corrections and want to make sure you have the tools to engage effectively in advocacy? Then, don’t miss this opportunity to hear from three expert panelists and have your own questions answered. Meet the panelist HERE.


Omoiyari: A Song Film by Kishi Bashi

The song film Omoiyari will be shown at the APA Convention on August 10 as part of Cynthia de las Fuentes’ Presidential Programming. There are several legal cases involving Japanese American wartime incarceration (Korematsu, Hirabayashi, Yasui, Endo) that are discussed in the film, making the film of potential interest to APLS members. For more information, click HERE.


Join us in Puerto Rico!

The annual conference for the American Psychology-Law Society will be held March 13-15, 2025 at the Sheraton Puerto Rico Resort & Casino in San Juan, Puerto Rico!

The call for proposals is forthcoming and all submissions will be due Monday, September 30th

If you have any questions or comments regarding the call for proposals, or about the conference, please contact the conference co-chairs, Jenni Cox and Lori Hoetger Fendrick:


Looking forward to seeing everyone in March!


Submit Your Dissertation for the AP-LS Dissertation Award!

The American Psychology-Law Society invites students to apply for the Dissertation Awards, recognizing outstanding research at the intersection of psychology and law. Winners will present their work at the AP-LS Annual Conference. Submissions should demonstrate originality, quality, contribution to the field, clarity, and contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Submit your dissertation and supporting documents via the AP-LS Dissertation Award Google Form by December 31. For more information, visit AP-LS Dissertation Awards or contact


Call for Grant Proposals for Research to Enhance the Impact and Diversification of Psychology & Law Research

2024 - 2025 Call for REID Grant Proposals

The American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) invites research proposals for Research to Enhance the Impact and Diversification of Psychology & Law Research. The intent of this grant initiative is to advance a more interdisciplinary science that addresses understudied topics in psychology and law, as well as to broaden the discipline and amplify its practical impact. Proposed projects must investigate new or understudied topics in psychology and law, enhance the diversification of psychology and law research through novel theoretical or methodological approaches that are cross-disciplinary in nature, and/or promote the impact of research by considering novel populations or new problems or processes within the legal system. 

Pre-proposal submissions will open on October 1. The submission deadline is October 15th, 2024. Selected pre-proposal submissions will be notified in November if they are selected to submit a full proposal. Full proposals will be due in mid-December. Click HERE for further details.


The application portal and more information on applications can be found at Please email one or both of the co-chairs of the Research Committee, Eyal Aharoni and Megan Kienzle and, with any questions: or


Call for Faculty and Students for Research Mentoring Initiative Pilot

The AP-LS Research Committee is seeking applications from both faculty and undergraduate and graduate students to participate in its Research Mentoring Initiative. 


This initiative came out of Dr. Jen Groscup’s Presidential Pre-Conference Leadership Workshop in New Orleans in March of 2020. The goal of the initiative is to pair researchers with one or more students who would not otherwise have research opportunities due to their institution’s location, size, or research resources. To that end, this initiative seeks faculty mentors to spend time virtually with students at different institutions and help guide them through the research process. Ideally, faculty members would either have an existing project that students could participate in or be willing to work with a student to design a new research project. 


If you are a faculty member or undergraduate/graduate student interested in participating in this program, please fill out this form ( by September 30, 2024. Click HERE for further details.


For questions, please email one or both of the co-chairs of the AP-LS Research Committee, Megan Kienzle and Eyal Aharoni, with any questions: or


APA Candidates Respond to AP-LS Questions

The AP-LS Executive Committee asked each candidate running for APA President-Elect and Board of Directors Member at Large to respond to three questions (developed in 2022) so that AP-LS members could learn about the candidates' views on issues relevant to AP-LS. Although AP-LS does not endorse candidates, we encourage you to read the responses so you can make an informed decision based on their qualifications and thoughts on the AP-LS mission. APA members should receive ballots via email on August 1. Read the responses by clicking HERE.


Call for Book Proposals

The American Psychology-Law Society invites proposals for new titles in its book series, which is now published by APA Books. We publish authored and edited volumes on current issues at the intersection of psychology and law. Books are typically a state of the science synthesis of a body of existing research with implications for practice and/or policy. Authors and editors should have a substantial and recent track record of publication and/or practice in psychology or law, and at least one should hold a doctorate in psychology or closely related behavioral science. If you have a proposal for a new book in the series or you would simply like more information, reach out to a member of the editorial team. We would be happy to tell you more.    


The editorial board members are:


Executive Committee

For more information or if you wish to contact a member of the AP-LS Executive Committee, details can be found HERE.


On The Job or Postdoc Market? AP-LS Job Postings

Check out AP-LS's Job Postings Page for up-to-date information on available psychology-law positions.

Newsletter Editorial Board


Membership Services

AP-LS seeks to advance the science of psychology - law and the translation of psychology - law knowledge into practice. Our mission is to enhance the well-being, justice, and human rights though science and practice of psychology in legal contexts.

Newsletter Archives

Archives of the newsletter are available at